Well that was quite a gap in my blog frequency there, my apologies. Since my last entry at the end of the summer semester I have gotten married, and had a crazy fun honeymoon. I have been student teaching at Romulus High School and loving it. And I have been taking quite a load of classes at U of M. I have been told by several people that this is the time of year when MAC students hit their wall and start to have break downs. I mention this because in my last post I talk about using our break in August as a decompression period. This semester has indeed been different from before and full of stresses, but I am continuing to plug along and smile along the way.
Yesterday in our technology class we had the opportunity to make claymation videos. My group and I has some fun doing it and I can see its possible use in a biology classroom. If the resources for this are available, this could be a good way to make certain concepts stick into the minds of the students. They would surely remember the various steps of mitosis and meiosis if they made a frame-by-frame video of it.
I look forward to getting back on the blog wagon, I'll see you soon with more on what has been going on in my placement.
Saturday, October 31, 2009
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ReplyDeleteThanks for this optimistic post! It helps to hear someone acknowledge how difficult the MAC program has been lately while remembering to smile all the same. I don't mean to state the obvious, but I think a positive attitude like yours will go a long way in forming support groups and creating a positive school culture when we're full-time teachers.